Welcome to the KustomKemps web site. For those of you who have an interest in American Motors products, these pages are for you. We have been in the AMC end of the hobby since we bought our first (future) AMC, a 1948 Hudson coupe. It was a $100 piece of rusted Chicago junk, but I learned to drive a stick in that car the hard way, because, after purchase, I had to take it from Chicago, Il. to Gary, In. in rush hour traffic. The Hudson turned out to be a great car, not much to look at, but fun to drive, and surprisingly fast. Our first new AMC was a '68 AMX, SN 6048, which we purchased in San Diego, and ran at OCIR during 1968-69. The car now resides in Hayward, Wi., and, much as I try, I can't get it back. It still has less than 40K on it.
In case you don't know, a "kemp" is a fifties term for a hot rod. There is a Kustom Kemps of America club, which has it's own web site, and is not affiliated with us. Check them out.